Tuesday 8 January 2013

Affordable Shoulder Dislocation Treatment India

 Shoulder dislocations may occur from a traumatic injury or from loose capsular ligaments. Different conditions may affect the stabilizing structures of the shoulder and, thus, negatively affect patients with shoulder dislocations.
  Most shoulder dislocations happen at the lower front of the shoulder, because of the particular anatomy of the shoulder joint. The joint is supported on all sides by ligaments called the joint capsule, and the whole thing is covered by the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is made up of four tendons attached to muscles that start on the scapula and end on the upper humerus. They reinforce the shoulder joint from above, in front, and in back, which makes the weakest point in the rotator cuff in the lower front.

Subluxation refers to a partial dislocation. A subluxation occurs when the two joint (articular) surfaces have lost their usual contact.

Shoulder Dislocation Symptoms:
    - A visibly deformed or out of place shoulder
    - Swelling or discoloration (bruising)
    - Intense pain
    - Inability to move the joint

Shoulder dislocation may also cause numbness, weakness or tingling near the injury, such as in your neck or down your arm. The muscles in your shoulder may spasm from the disruption, often increasing the intensity of your pain.

 What is the cause?

    - The most common type of dislocation is an anterior dislocation.
    - It can be caused by a fall onto the outstretched hand or shoulder. It may happen if the arm is forced into an awkward position.
    - A posterior dislocation may occur as a result of a powerful direct blow to the front of the shoulder.
    - It may also be caused by a violent twisting of the upper arm, such as that caused by an electric shock or seizure. Dislocated shoulders are  common in contact sports such as football, rugby, hockey, etc.

Shoulder Dislocation Treatment India:

Shoulder arthroscopy is surgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder joint. The arthroscope is inserted through a small incision (cut) in your skin.
    - Insert the arthroscope into your shoulder through a small incision. The arthroscope is connected to a video monitor in the operating room.
    - Inspect all the tissues of your shoulder joint and the area above the joint -- the cartilage, bones, tendons, and ligaments.
    - Repair any damaged tissues. To do this, your surgeon will make 1 - 3 more small incisions and insert other instruments through them. A tear in a muscle, tendon, or cartilage will be fixed. Damaged tissue may need to be removed.

 What is the prevention?

    - Avoid situations in which you could suffer another dislocation.
    - Wear layers of clothing or padding to help cushion any fall that may be likely.
    - Do not return to sports until you have full recovery of motion and strength in your arm.

Ortho-One Orthopedic Centre use the most advanced and latest techniques to replace the knee joint with an artificial one that relieves pain, allows you to strengthen your legs, corrects the leg deformity and improves the quality of life. Dr.K.Vinodh, One of the leading orthopedic surgeons in India currently working at Ortho-One, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. The shoulder disloaction treatment cost is very low in India as compared to other western countries like USA, UK, Canada, Germany etc.
For more details visit us: www.ortho-one.in

Monday 7 January 2013

Affordable Septic Arthritis Treatment India

Septic arthritis is inflammation of a joint due to a bacterial or fungal infection.  The condition is an inflammation of a joint that's caused by infection. Typically, septic arthritis affects one large joint in the body, such as the knee or hip. However, septic arthritis can also affect multiple joints if the infection rapidly spreads.
Most commonly, septic arthritis affects a single joint, but occasionally more joints are involved. Septic arthritis is also called infectious arthritis.

Causes of Septic Arthritis:
Septic arthritis can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The most common causes of septic arthritis are bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae.

The following conditions increase your risk for septic arthritis:

    - Artificial joint implants
    - Bacterial infection somewhere else in your body
    - Chronic illness or disease (such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and sickle cell disease)
    - Intravenous (IV) or injection drug use
    - Medications that suppress your immune system
    - Recent joint injury
    - Recent joint arthroscopy or other surgery

What are symptoms and signs of septic arthritis?

    - Pain from the affected joint. The pain tends to be severe and usually develops quite quickly. Any movement of the joint is usually very painful.
    - Swelling usually develops over the affected joint which is usually very tender.
    - Redness of the overlying skin is typical if the joint is near to the skin surface.
    - Feeling generally unwell with fever (high temperature) is common.

 Septic Arthritis Treatment India:
 Septic arthritis is treated with antibiotics and drainage of the infected joint (synovial) fluid from the joint.
Optimally, antibiotics are given immediately. Often, intravenous antibiotics are administered in a hospital setting. The choice of antibiotics can be guided by the results of the culture of joint fluid. Until those results are known, empiric antibiotics are chosen to cover a wider range of possible infectious agents.
Arthroscopy can be used to irrigate the joint and remove infected joint lining tissue. If adequate drainage cannot be accomplished with joint aspirations or arthroscopy, open joint surgery is used to drain the joint. After arthroscopy or open joint surgery, drains are sometimes left in place to drain excess fluid that can accumulate after the procedure.

Septic arthritis treatment cost in India is less compared to other western countries.

Ortho One orthopedic hospital is a leading orthopedic center in India. Ortho-One offers advanced treatment at affordable rate.

For further enquiries,
Please visit: www.ortho-one.in
Gmail: orthocaretamilnadu@gmail.com